First Visit Expectations at Mackey Dental Care

Welcome to Mackey Dental Care! Here's what you can expect during your initial appointment with us:

  1. Getting Acquainted:
    Your first visit is a chance for us to get to know each other better. We encourage you to ask questions, share any concerns you may have, and provide us with any information that can help personalize your care experience.

  2. Medical History Review:

    To ensure your safety and provide personalized support, we'll review your medical history. Certain medical conditions and medications can impact your dental treatment, so please be prepared to provide a list of your current medications, including vitamins and supplements.

  3. Comprehensive Evaluation:

    During your visit, we'll conduct a thorough oral examination and take x-rays. Additionally, we'll perform a non-invasive oral cancer screening as part of our commitment to your overall health.

  4. Expert Guidance:

    If it's been a while since your last dental visit, there's no need to worry. You've taken an important step towards prioritizing your oral health. After completing your exam, Dr. Mackey will discuss her findings with you. Together, you'll devise a customized treatment plan that aligns with your dental and personal needs. We can work together to prioritize and schedule treatments, ensuring you achieve the smile you deserve within a timeframe that suits you.

  5. Comfort and Care:

    At Mackey Dental Care, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. We strive to create a relaxing and safe environment for all our patients. Whether it's ensuring your physical comfort or providing emotional support, we're dedicated to going above and beyond to make your experience with us positive and stress-free.

We're excited to embark on this dental care journey with you and look forward to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile!